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IDEEA Model Dissemination @ IISc Bengaluru

Workshop | 21 FEBRUARY, 2023

Organized by IISc, EDF, SusPoT & IIT Roorkee

The first training program on IDEEA model was organized at Indian Institute of Science (IISc) with the objective to provide an overview of the Indian Zero Carbon Energy Pathways (IDEEA) model and its capabilities.

The one-day training program covered the significance of having an opensource model customized for India and provided brief technical sessions on software, data requirements of the model, and application of the model in various sectors. The model that has been developed by the team of researchers and domain experts is meant to help industries, government, energy generation companies, DISCOMS in planning and optimizing their energy generation, capacity expansion and distribution.

This is one of the kind models that was indigenously built for India and validated by research scholars of Department of Management Studies (DoMS), IISc and the Jadavpur University. The model will be launched by August 2023 as an open access tool and will be freely available to everyone.

The workshop was attended by over 30 experts and researchers from Shell, GE electric, Schneider electric, Indian Institute of Technology – Mandi, Capgemini, Aditya Birla consulting, CSTEP, WRI, and various think tanks working in the energy sector.


Dr Balachandra Patil, Chief Scientist IISc and founding member of IDEEA, spoke about complexities involved in the electricity planning sector highlighting that the investments required in the energy sector are high and it requires a planning tool (model) like IDEEA to help policymakers, investors, power stakeholders and industries to foresee how the outcomes look like for various decisions, before to choose the economically and environmentally sustainable options.

Mr Parthaa Bosu, Lead Advisor, Environmental Defense Fund added that “Our country has big plans for net zero and for that, we need an indigenous model keeping in our priorities. This should help us ensure safeguarding our interests and aspirations

Dr Tarun Sharma, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee who has worked closely in Indian power sector as well as associated with the International modeling community spoke about the need for creating an Indian ecosystem for modelers that enables and provides opportunities to co-create solutions towards achieving India’s clean transition.

Mr Mitavachan Hiremath, Founding Director of SusPoT – Center for Sustainability, concluded the workshop by saying, having India specific opensource energy model like IDEEA adds versatility to the modeling ecosystem, as it allows anyone to understand what has gone into the model and hence customize the model to serve different end users in a transparent way.