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Core Values


We are a team of researchers, engineers, educators, environmentalists, thinkers, doers and sustainability conscious youth who are concerned about the present state-of-affairs in our societies and the planet. We are disillusioned by the enormity of existential challenges our species is facing right now. Hence, our Vision is not really ‘about us’, but of a sustainable and prosperous world. Through SusPoT – Center for Sustainability, we intend to act as a ‘catalyst’ and ‘multiplier’ in building the momentum towards the creation of climate resilient sustainable India.


To act as a ‘catalyst’ and ‘multiplier’ in shaping the sustainable transition of the Indian economy.


To empower decision makers in developing inclusive sustainability strategies and implementing action plans towards achieving climate-neutral transition of the Indian economy.

We strongly believe that collaboration and partnership among right minded people and organizations is the key to solving existential challenges faced by humanity. Moreover, we see that human societies not only need empowerment and the right tools to tackle present challenges, but also are in desperate need to be healed from their own unsustainable patterns and growth models. Hence, our core values are guided by the acronym HEALS:


Work towards developing holistic practical actions


Emphasize fair access to resources and respect diversity of all societies


Focus on action oriented sustainability affairs that help societies to take sustainable decisions and act right now


Underscore the fact that the heart of sustainability lies in societal lifestyles


Synergize the efforts and co-create activities with other actors in the society working towards the common goal of sustainable development

At SusPoT, we are not only passionate about contributing towards sustainability through our work, but also equally strive to promote a just work environment and enhance sustainable lifestyles of the team. We strongly believe that real change always starts from inside-out, and only the organizations built upon core sustainability principles can bring about a genuine transformation in the society.